
Meals on Wheels cuts in one county = 32,000 fewer meals

Meals on Wheels budget cuts amount to 32,000 fewer meals in one county alone. Meals on Wheels, the national nonprofit that provides food for the homebound elderly.

“In Collin County, where the population of senior citizens has ballooned, Meals on Wheels will serve over 250,000 meals in 2017.”

This is a good example of what happens when you have a cabinet composed almost entirely of multi-millionaires and billionaires. They have no connection to the needs of ordinary citizens and certainly not to the poor, disabled, and elderly.

Here’s the article: Meals on wheels cuts.

I am a former disability examiner and I publish the website Social Security Disability Resource Center, or SSDRC for short. I also maintain a facebook page for SSDRC (Social Security Disability Blog).

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